
For the sake of consistency, the following collection of primary and secondary colors is to be used across all major forms of PCG media (website, email, social, print, etc.). We have also included some sample color combinations and creative examples to demonstrate how color can be used to reflect the brand.
Primary Palette
There are more than 10 million colors in the color wheel. In order to more easily identify the difference, colors are typically assigned a value in the form of a number sequence, but the sequences change depending on the medium in which the color is used. Hex and RGB are usually used for screens, while CMYK and Pantone are usually used for print. The exact colors used in our palette are as follows.
Hex #FFFFFF | CMYK 0 0 0 0
RGB 255 255 255
Hex #4a4a4a | CMYK 66 59 57 39
RGB 74 74 74 | Pantone 7540 C
Hex #EE3626 | CMYK 0 93 97 0
RGB 238 54 38 | Pantone Bright Red C
color ratios
When using the primary color palette, try sticking with this rough guide: 60% white, 25% red, 15% gray.

To ensure that the feel of the brand remains bright and vibrant, white should be the most dominant brand color with red being used sparingly as an accent color. Gray can also be used as an accent, but will primarily find its expression in the form of text.
Importance of Color Selection
Every color has an associated emotion or response. We know, for example, that red is often associated with passion, love, and fire. But on the other hand, red is also sometimes associated with anger, danger, and blood. There's a reason why stop signs and fire trucks are red. With that in mind, the ratios above are an effort to extract the positive aspects of our color selections while minimizing the negatives. Using a large percentage of white, as opposed to gray or black, adds an essential element of brightness that exudes purity and holiness.