Nominated and confirmed by the General Board, departmental directors are charged with leading the various ministries and missions of the Pentecostal Church of God.

Virgil & Janie Kincaid
Global Missions Directors
Virgil Kincaid attended Southern Bible College, graduating in 1970 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Missions. Since then he has served the Pentecostal Church of God in the states of Texas, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, and Florida as a local church youth director, sectional youth director, state youth director, and as an assistant national youth director. He has also served as an assistant pastor, pastor, sectional presbyter, state executive presbyter, state executive secretary-treasurer, state bishop, and an assistant national bishop. In 2003 he began serving the Pentecostal Church of God as a resident missionary in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. At the same time he served as the Area Supervisor for the Caribbean, and after the Haiti earthquake of January 2010, he coordinated the rebuilding effort of damaged churches across Haiti and the national church compound in Port au Prince. In June 2011, he was elected to serve as the World Missions Director for the Pentecostal Church of God.
Virgil and his late wife, Joy, served together in ministry until her death in January 2001. In December of 2002, he married Linda Jane Johnson (Janie) who served as a missionary in Trinidad and Tobago for twenty-two years. After their marriage they continued serving as resident missionaries in Trinidad and Tobago, as well as serving the entire Caribbean. Virgil and Janie reside in Bedford, Texas. They have nine children, 21 grandchildren, and fourteen great grandchildren.

Randy & Dawn Lawrence
Youth Ministries Directors
Randy and his wife, Dawn, have a tremendous passion to serve this generation. They have served the body of Christ in a variety of leadership capacities, including the local, district, and national office of the Pentecostal Church of God. Randy and Dawn have four children: Chase, Maia, Cali, and Jaxon. Randy holds a master’s degree in leadership and management from Liberty University, and has previously served as the president of Messenger College.
In 2014, Randy and Dawn became the directors of PCG National Student Ministries, where they continue to fulfill their call in ministry today.

David & Hope Reynolds
Chaplains Commission, Endorser
After receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, David accepted a call to Victory Tabernacle (PCG) in Thurmont, MD, where he and Hope have served for over 35+ years. David and Hope have four married sons and four very active and healthy grandchildren.
In 1984 David entered the USAF Reserves and continued his education at Fuller Theological Seminary and in due course graduated with a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, PA. Upon graduation, Pastor Reynolds was ecclesiastically endorsed by the Pentecostal Church of God to be a Chaplain in the USAF. For the next 33 years Chaplain Reynolds would serve across many communities, states, and countries including Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Antarctica.
Bishop Reynolds has served the PCG since 1977, having been initially licensed in the Blackhills District. In 1980 he transferred to the Capital District, where he was ordained and eventually served in a variety of roles, including district bishop.

Dr. James Rayburn
Messenger College, President
James E. Rayburn, D. Min., has served the PCG in a variety of roles, including youth director, bishop, and assistant general bishop in the Southeast Region of the United States. James is also a retired Army Chaplain with 23 years of active service, providing ministry to PCG military communities.
Dr. Rayburn has been a member of the Board of Regents for Messenger College since 1988, with the exception of the time he was stationed in Germany. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry, Masters of Divinity, and a Masters of Science in Guidance. His undergraduate degree was from Southern Bible College. He is currently a Diplomate with the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, a Clinical Member and Approved Supervisor for the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapists, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor.
He is married to Mimi Rayburn and they are the parents to two daughters: Candace Rayburn of Euless, Texas and Carlyn (David) Alvarez of Price, Utah.