
I AM: The Resurrection and The Life

In this SPEAK JESUS study, delve into 12 names that Jesus used to reveal his character and nature. Each month we will release a portion of a chapter from the new devotional SPEAK JESUS. This month is I AM: The Resurrection and The Life written by Dr. Nadine Davis.

Empowered Women

September 3, 2024


Bible Study

"Jesus said to her, 'I Am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live." JOHN 11:25, ESV


When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He purposely waited two days before beginning His journey to where Lazarus was entombed. Before departing, Jesus forewarned the disciples that Lazarus' sickness would not end in death but would bring glory to God. He further explained that Lazarus had fallen asleep (John 11:11). The disciples misunderstood what Jesus meant by fallen asleep to which He later explained Lazarus had died (v. 14). When He got to the home of Mary and Martha, Lazarus had been entombed for four days. He was gone. Not even his sister believed that Jesus could reverse death after such an elapsed time. There was a profound message Jesus wanted to convey. What is impossible for man is possible with God (Luke 18:27). The people needed to understand this, so Jesus purposely allowed time to pass, so they could witness the power of God. He was The Resurrection and The Life (John 11:24).

As we go through life, many situations may seem hopeless. Days, weeks, months, and even years may pass before those situations are resolved. It is for us to believe it is possible that our situation is working to bring glory to God (John 1:4). It is for us to trust Jesus to bring life to our dire circumstances. Like raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus can resurrect any situation that seems hopeless, if only we believe!

At times it may be very difficult to accept God’s delayed response to our circumstances. While Lazarus was sick, the sisters wanted Jesus’ prompt arrival because they knew He would make things better. When Lazarus died, Martha and Mary found it difficult to accept. Both proclaimed if Jesus had been there their brother would not have died (John 11:21, 30). Many of us believe our difficulties could be resolved if God would immediately intervene. The plans and purposes of Jesus are to receive glory and glorify the Father. It’s hard to understand when His response is delayed. However, delay is not denied! Our God is the God who makes the impossible possible! When Jesus shows up, He brings life because He is The Life.

FOR FURTHER STUDY READ: JOHN 11:1-44 - Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.

If you would like to be able to do a complete study of Chapter Nine, order a copy of Speak Jesus by contacting Empowered Women's Ministry at or 817.554.5900 ext. 371. Available also at or Amazon.

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