
Messenger College Travels to Guatemala

By partnering with the Global Missions Department of the PCG, several Messenger College students were able to travel to Guatemala for hands-on ministry training.

Ryan Warren

Impact Eternity / Stories

June 1, 2022



Living on Mission in Guatemala

In March, Messenger College partnered with the Global Missions Department and took a short-term missions trip to Guatemala. This was a seven-day trip that included extensive hands-on ministry. Each student had the opportunity to speak at multiple churches, and every church that was visited offered a new experience into a myriad of cultures in Guatemala.

The team began ministering in a church-plant off the Dolce River, spent time at the Ahikam girl's home, visited a local Bible institution, engaged with local pastoral leadership, and attended missions lessons with Les and Charlene Melton.

One of the most memorable experiences occurred midweek. The church visited that Wednesday was built in a ravine on the roof of a parsonage. In this one service, worship songs were sung in three different languages, and the entire congregation responded to the words given by our students. Each student took part in praying for the people of this community and together made a significant spiritual impact as many recommitted their lives to Christ.

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