
I AM: The Way, The Truth & The Life

In this SPEAK JESUS study, delve into 12 names that Jesus used to reveal his character and nature. Each month we will release a portion of a chapter from the new devotional SPEAK JESUS. This month is I AM: The Way, The Truth, and The Life written by Ruth Hesseltine.

Empowered Women

October 2, 2024


Bible Study

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" JOHN 14:6, ESV


When Jesus uttered the words, "I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, no one comes to the Father except through me, "He was saying He is the One and Only Way to Heaven! When God revealed Himself to Moses in the Old Testament, He stated that the I Am was to be the One to set Israel free He was the One to bring them into the promised land. It was a land flowing with milk and honey that would be everything they needed to give them a full life. It was a foreshadowing of the abundance of the Spirit-filled life!

Before Israel could begin their journey to the promised land, they had to do something first - they had to surrender. Everything they knew was about to be left behind for the promise of a new life ahead. They had to trust that God would be The Way, His promises would prove true, and He would give them new life on the other side.

However, Israel struggled, and you and I often do too.

In Exodus the might of God was on full display. He was the One who sent the ten plagues on Egypt, every one of them a miracle. He was the One who released Israel, guiding them through the wilderness. He was the One who parted the Red Sea, killing Egypt in its wake. He was the One who fed them, sustained them, guided them, and loved them.

Yet, they still had trouble understanding who He was and how their life was better with Him. Jesus, several centuries later, promises more! He promises an intimate relationship for each individual person. He brought a message of freedom to all who would follow Him!

Like Israel we've been given the choice to surrender and receive a better life. We may walk through some hiccups and self-inflicted bruising. Full surrender may even be a struggle, but Jesus is faithful and will fulfill the promises He has made over your life!

Speak those promises today! Jesus said in John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." He wants to be The Way and walk alongside you in every situation. Invite Him into your struggle. Declare that He is The Way when things are hard, The Truth when the world lies, and The Life that always sustains me.

FOR FURTHER STUDY, READ: ISAIAH 61:1 and LUKE 4:16-21 – The Truth Came to Proclaim Freedom

If you would like to be able to do a complete study of Chapter Ten, order a copy of Speak Jesus by contacting Empowered Women's Ministry at or 817.554.5900 ext. 371. Available also at or Amazon.

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