
I AM: The Great Teacher

In this SPEAK JESUS study, delve into 12 names that Jesus used to reveal his character and nature. Each month we will release a portion of a chapter from the new devotional SPEAK JESUS. This month is I AM: The Great Teacher written by Hazel Gaunt.

Empowered Women

August 7, 2024


Bible Study

"You call me teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am." JOHN 13:13, ESV

The Great Teacher

In our text, Jesus lets His disciples know they had been right by calling Him Teacher. That night, The Good Teacher gave his disciples an exposition on practical humility. Knowing His hour was close at hand, Jesus gathered His disciples for supper and began washing their feet. Peter protested so Jesus used it as a teaching moment. He explained to Peter, and the disciples, that they would not understand what He was doing at that moment, but that all must be cleansed by Him. The Great Teacher taught them, powerfully, by example. He further taught they should be willing to show the same humble, sacrificial love and service to one another.

Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin and considered by many as a teacher of Israel, noticed the power of Jesus’ teaching when He proclaimed Jesus was a teacher having come from God. In other words, His teachings and working were so mighty, they could have only come from God.

We see the word “Teacher” referenced twice in the Old Testament. In Joel chapter 2, we see the trees beginning to bear fruit again after the land had been afflicted with a severe drought and plague. Joel, a prophet from Judah, begins to prophesy and declare a great outpouring of the Spirit upon mankind. As Joel declares a new harvest, he tells the Children of Zion to celebrate because, "He's giving you a teacher to train you how to live right - Teaching like rain out of heaven, showers of words to refresh and nourish your soul, just as he used to do” (vs. 21-24, MSG).

What an amazing prophetic word to have received. Jesus, as The Teacher, points us towards a righteous life. God sent His one and only son to serve as our Teacher.

God has given us The Great Teacher to train us how to live right. The wisdom He teaches is supernatural wisdom. We must allow the time to glean from Jesus, The Great Teacher, by reading, meditating, and applying His teachings, (His Word), to our lives. A teacher loves when the student, or disciple, "gets it." Because once we know it and apply it, the purpose for the teacher to teach has been accomplished. He teaches that we can be transformed into His likeness. He is The Great Teacher. Now, we must become great disciples!

FOR FURTHER STUDY READ: JOHN 13:1-17 Jesus teaches by example.

If you would like to be able to do a complete study of Chapter Eight, order a copy of Speak Jesus by contacting Empowered Women's Ministry at or 817.554.5900 ext. 371. Available also at or Amazon.

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