
I AM: The Alpha and The Omega

In this SPEAK JESUS study, delve into 12 names that Jesus used to reveal his character and nature. Each month we will release a portion of a chapter from the new devotional SPEAK JESUS. This month is I AM: The Alpha and The Omega written by Carolyn Dowd.

Empowered Women

December 2, 2024


Bible Study

 “'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,' says the Lord, 'who is and was and was to comes, the Almighty.'" REVELATION 1:8, NKJV


2 King 4-8 details a wonderful story about God's provision. 2 Kings 4:8 tells about how the Shunammite woman, along with her husband, provide food and shelter for Elisha whenever he passed through town. Elisha asked his servant what he could do to thank them for their kindness and was told she did not have a son and that her husband was old. To the Shuammite woman this was to much to hope for and she told Elisha not to promise what he couldn't deliver. But over time she had a son. After several years, the son suddenly grew ill and died. Rather than mourn his death, she immediately went to find the prophet. As the story unfolds, Elisha prayed, and her son was restored to life. A miracle! But that was not the end of her story! Remember Jesus said, "I am The Alpha AND Omega, The Beginning AND The End."

Sometime after this, her husband died. She must have continued to provide for the prophet because in chapter 8 Elisha warns her of the coming famine and tells her to take her son and go where they can survive. At the end of the famine, Gehazi (Elisha's servant) is talking with the king who wants to know all about Elisha and his miracles. He tells the king about the young boy Elisha brought back to life. While Gehazi is talking, the Shunammite woman comes to court to ask the king to restore her land to her. In mid-sentence Gehazi sees the woman and tells the king, "There she is! That's the woman and her son I was just telling you about!" And what does the king do? Before she can ask, the king not only restores her land but gave her the value of the harvest she lost over the seven years she had been gone! When Jesus said I am The Alpha AND Omega, He meant it!

The Shunammite woman started out just wanting to do something nice for God’s prophet. Little did she know the twists and turns her life would take as a result. Even though she was afraid to accept the blessing of a son, God saw her through his death and resurrection to life. Even when she had to leave home to find food for her family, God saw her though the famine and restored her land and livelihood. God will never leave you in misery and defeat! He already knows the end and will get you to it, sometimes without you having to ask for a thing!

FOR FURTHER STUDY, READ: 2 Timothy 1:3-12. I Am Not Ashamed.

If you would like to be able to do a complete study of Chapter Twelve, order a copy of Speak Jesus by contacting Empowered Women's Ministry at or 817.554.5900 ext. 371. Available also at or Amazon.

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