
He Says I Am... Loved

This year is about understanding how the nature of God gives us our identity. Each chapter helps us redefine our labels as we look at a specific attribute of God. This month is about being LOVED, written by Kari Lineberry

Empowered Women

February 13, 2025


Bible Study

“And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love, abides in God, and God in Him” COLOSSIANS 2:8-10, NKJV

He Says I Am... LOVED

When we say that "God is love" it woks in somewhat the same way as a polynomial equation. No matter how we look at it or switch it around in our brain, the rules never change. God. Is. Love.

Any verbal or written language that is or ever has been on earth has changed with time and culture. The rules are not constant, but numbers stay the same. Two does not equal ten and seven is never going to be three. Math is always consistent.

The more we learn about math, the more we know how God is infinite and creative and how "polynomial" God is (Poly meaning many - Nomial meaning numbers). You can represent the equation in many ways, and they all mean the same thing.

Numerical Patterns help us to explore how beautifully creative God is. There is math in music and art and even in our bodies. There is not one way to look at a polynomial. There are thousands of ways! God looks at us with all of our differences and yet His love is consistent. That part never changes! His love is infinite and broad but at the same time, it's never neutral or general. The rules of math are well defined and learning how to correctly apply them makes the possibilities infinite. God's love is the same.

You see I believed a lie. I believed that I was no good at solving math problems. Many people do the same with the phrase "God is love." They don't believe it. Their experiences have soured the fact.

Now that I understand numbers a little better, it is clear to me that not only are both sides of solving a polynomial the same, but also the fact that "God is love." NEVER changes either!

Further Reading: John 3:16-17; Romans 5:8; Ephesians 3:14-19; 1 Corinthians 13

If you would like to be able to do a complete study of Chapter Two, order a copy of Enough by contacting Empowered Women's Ministry at or 817.554.5900 ext. 371. Available also at or Amazon.

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