This year is about understanding how the nature of God gives us our identity. Each chapter helps us redefine our labels as we look at a specific attribute of God. This month is about being ENOUGH in Him, written by Melissa Patillo
Empowered Women
January 22, 2025
Bible Study
“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him (emphasis mine).” Colossians 2:8-10
I Am Enough In Him
The people of Paul’s day were trying to say that Christ was not sufficient. They wanted to add philosophy, astrology, traditions, and the worship of angels in order to complete Him. But Paul stood up and said Christ is ENOUGH, “…IN HIM dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily (emphasis mine).” The word fullness (pleroma) means not a single part of God’s nature is lacking in the nature of Christ. The word complete (pepleromenoi) means to be made full. The Greek actually says, “In Him you are full.” Christ is ENOUGH and we are full IN HIM! This is a fact to be enjoyed, not a status to be achieved. We can’t make Christ anymore complete than He already is because He is complete all by Himself. But we also don’t need to add anything else or look to anybody else to make us complete outside of Him. Who we marry or who we raise cannot make us complete. Our job, careers, or social status cannot make us complete. Our income or net worth can’t do it. Whether we are fat, skinny, short, or tall won’t do it. The clothes we wear or the car we drive will never make us complete. We must realize that our sufficiency, our completeness is found in the One who is COMPLETELY ENOUGH!
2 Corinthians 3:5, NKJV states, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God (emphasis Mine).” Our sufficiency is from God and in God! When we try to get our sufficiency from anywhere else besides God, we will be disillusioned and disappointed. The world can’t even define what a woman is. What makes us think it will make us enough? Social status, societal norms, and cultural philosophies will fall short in providing our sufficiency. When we are waiting to be validated or approved by others, we will be left deficient. When we try to measure up to others we will be disillusioned every time. When we give people the power to hold us up, they will have the power to pull us down which leads to absolute chaos. You cannot find your sufficiency in the low-level thinking of the world. You cannot find your sufficiency in what you have or may not have, in how you feel or may not feel. These things are fleeting, they are temporal. They can never make you enough and they can never be enough. But I believe that God’s daughters are awakening to the fact that their true identity and sufficiency are IN HIM!
There is a rising up of Deborah’s and Esther’s who know their sufficiency is IN HIM! The women of God are becoming aware to the glorious truth that it is “IN HIM” that we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28)! No longer will the enemy, who is insufficient himself, be able to taunt us with feelings of inadequacy, inferiority, or a poor self-image because we know who we are IN HIM! IN HIM we are more than conquerors! We no longer have to prove our worth, make our own way, or stand alone. We are IN HIM therefore we are supplied! We don’t have to suffer emotional or spiritual lack because HE IS ENOUGH and because HE IS ENOUGH, WE ARE ENOUGH IN HIM!
You don’t have to feel inferior, inadequate, or insufficient because you are IN HIM! The world and culture will try to intimidate you into forgetting who you are IN CHRIST. They will pressure you into believing that Christ is not enough, and you have needs that He can’t supply. Be awakened to the fact that you are IN HIM whose supply never runs out! There is no insufficiency IN HIM! He will supply everything you need to be whole, stable, and secure. It is not Christ plus other things; it is CHRIST ALONE. He is ENOUGH. Therefore, you are enough IN HIM, and you have enough IN HIM. You don’t have to go to the world to meet your needs. All you will ever need is IN HIM.
Further Reading: Acts 17:28; Romans 8 (The benefits of being "in Christ."); Colossians 1:13-15 (Christ, All-Mighty and All-Sufficient)
If you would like to be able to do a complete study of Chapter One, order a copy of Enough by contacting Empowered Women's Ministry at or 817.554.5900 ext. 371. Available also at or Amazon.
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