In light of recent events, we provide an important update concerning the Office of the General Bishop and include in-full Dr. Wayman Ming Jr.'s formal resignation letter.
PCG Communications
December 5, 2024
Having felt the Lord’s prompting to return to pastoral ministry, Dr. Wayman and Kimberly Ming have officially tendered their resignation from the roles of General Bishop and Empowered Women’s Ministries Director. They will be serving as lead pastors of Bethesda Community Church, located in Fort Worth, Texas.
Please join us in expressing your love and honor for the Mings because of their service in these roles over the last 7 ½ years. Under their leadership, we have united around the call to live as One Mission—One Movement. Though a transition period is underway, we remain unified as a global church with a global mission, and together we will continue laboring to witness a decade of harvest.
The General Council will collectively lead this great Movement until our General Assembly in June, when it will be the appropriate time and place to elect the next General Bishop of the Pentecostal Church of God.
We are One Mission. We are One Movement. We are PCG.
Dear friends and ministers, words cannot express my deep love for you and our movement. From serving as a young twenty-two-year-old Messenger College instructor to the present day, I recognize that Kimberly and I have only filled pulpits and served in roles of leadership because of your willingness to embrace and love us. In 2017, our Heavenly Father gave us the assignment to transition a 1st Century PCG to a 2nd Century PCG, and at our Centennial celebration, we launched the first decade of a 2nd Century PCG through One Mission—One Movement. Our assignment included three mandates…
Thankfully, over the last seven and one-half years, together we have…
From cover to cover throughout the Book of All Books, we continuously see a God of sovereign surprise. So, this past year, our Heavenly Father certainly surprised Kimberly and I by calling us once again to pastoral ministry. Over the years, Kimberly and I have been elected to serve in the roles of District Bishop, Assistant General, General Secretary, and General Bishop, and we chose denominational leadership above pastoral ministry. This time, however, God was unrelenting until we chose pastoral ministry at Bethesda Community Church, which is now a cooperative fellowship church in the North Texas district of the PCG. Consequently, Kimberly and I have tendered our resignation from our respective roles as General Bishop and Empowered Women's Ministries Director.
Right after I was elected in 2017, the Lord gave me a missional word for our movement, and at every General Assembly thereafter, the next part of that word was unveiled.
This 2025 General Assembly will provide the final installment of that missional word.
With all sincerity, Kimberly and I continue to believe that our PCG family will see the greatest harvest we have ever seen to date, and that the following missional goals will be witnessed for the glory of God…
Again, thank you for loving and embracing us, and thank you for partnering with us in One Story Written …for Eternal Impact!
Impacting Eternity,
Dr. Wayman C. Ming Jr.
General Bishop
Blessings to all of you. In recent months, Kimberly and I have felt the relentless urging of the Holy Spirit to move forward with the possibility of becoming lead pastors of Bethesda Community Church. On Sunday, Kimberly and I were elected with a strong 88% vote. Of course, our hearts remain with our PCG family, so not only will we continue to honor our credentials, but the leadership of Bethesda will also honor our denominational covering by becoming a cooperative fellowship church with the PCG. This missional church looks forward to getting better acquainted with One Mission—One Movement and our great U.S. and global family.
To preserve unity, I will be transitioning from my role as General Bishop/Business Manager of the Pentecostal Church of God, and Kimberly will do the same from her position as Director of Empowered Women's Ministries... Although in a different capacity, Kimberly and I are excited to continue partnering with you from our headquarters city to fulfill our global, decadal goals during this first decade of a 2nd-Century PCG. By God’s grace, we will reach…
We have been humbled to serve our great movement for almost eight years in this capacity. Together, we will continue to impact eternity for the glory of God.
—Dr. Wayman Ming Jr.
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