
Prevision of History: 50th Anniversary

$ 40.00 USD
$ 40.00 USD
In this book, we witness Dr. Elizabeth Williams' invaluable research on the prophetic literature of Daniel and Revelation and the lasting impact she left on multiple generations of Pentecostal leaders.
  • Author
    Elizabeth Williams
    Elizabeth Williams
  • Color
  • Publisher
    Elizabeth Williams Foundation
  • Material
Theology & Doctrine

This 50th-anniversary commemorative edition is presented as a tribute to the author (Dr. Elizabeth Williams) by many friends, family, and students whose lives she touched.

Product Description
Descripción del Producto

Prevision of History in it’s original version was published in 1974 by Messenger Publishing House as a resource for interpretation of Bible prophecy as seen in the books of Daniel and Revelation. The research and study to produce this work came from the curriculum developed at Southern Bible College in Houston, Texas for students of Eschatology. This book in conjunction with the Chart, "The Plan Of The Ages" was the primary teaching material Dr. Williams used in her classes.

Although she is now with The Lord, her influence still lives on in the lives of those she trained. You will certainly sense the legacy in this book and be blessed by the treasure of this work.


The title, Prevision Of History, expresses the essence of Bible prophecy—the ability to see in advance what God has planned in the future. Dr. Elizabeth Williams dedicated her life to Bible prophecy and to the students she influenced. She taught at Southern Bible College from its beginning in 1958 until she retired in 1974. Her teaching style was unique in that she didn’t simply teach; rather, she imparted her spirit, her understanding, and her knowledge to the students of her class. Her teaching style was rooted in her love for God, the love for her students, and her overwhelming desire to see them pursue the call of God upon their lives.

Dr. Darrell Owens, Th.D.
President, The Elizabeth Williams Foundation

Dean Elizabeth Williams had many titles, including a prophetic voice, an exceptional Bible teacher, a powerful intercessor, and a spiritual mentor. However, the most enduring to her students was their spiritual mother. She always had a word of encouragement and a scriptural reference to enlighten and lighten your day. Through the reprint of this book, her thoughts are alive once more, and through her passion of scripture and prophetic insight, she will encourage each reader to dive deeper into the knowledge of God. This is material that will feed, enlighten, and inspire anyone, especially you, in your study of scripture.

Dr. James Rayburn, D.Min.
President, Messenger College, Bedford, Texas

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