
Our Story (1st Edition)

$ 4.99 USD
$ 4.99 USD
$ 14.99 USD
The original telling of the History of the Pentecostal Church of God by Aaron Wilson. This classic edition only spans the history of the PCG movement of 1919-2001.
  • Author
    Aaron M. Wilson
    Aaron M. Wilson
  • Color
  • Publisher
    Messenger Publishing House
  • Material

"Fervent prayers went up to God in this meeting and the place was shaken. Here the Pentecostal Church of God of America came into existence." -Eli DePriest, delegate to the 1919 convention

Product Description
Descripción del Producto

This is the classic, original version of the book. The new updated version spanning from 1919-2019 is the issue used within the Ministry Licensing Series.

"History cannot tell everything that has happened to our movement; however, it will provide the essential components which influence the direction and course of an organization." -James D. Gee, former General Superintendent

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