
Radical Riches

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$ 14.99 USD
Money doesn't have to own you. In Radical Riches, Ted aims to define wealth, how to build it, how to keep it from running and ruining your life, and how to pass it on the next generation.
  • Author
    Ted Miller
    Ted Miller
  • Color
  • Publisher
    Urban Press
  • Material

Do you own your money, or does your money own you?

Product Description
Descripción del Producto

"Do you own your money, or does money own you?" That's an important question that everyone must answer, no matter how little or much money they have. In this book, Radical Riches, Ted Miller defines wealth, how to build it, how to keep it from running and ruining your life, and how to pass it on to the next generation. Using biblical truths and lessons learned from years serving as a pastor, Ted lays out a plan to help you position yourself to accumulate and manage what he refers to as radical riches, which are more than dollars, properties, and investments. Those riches include a life well-lived that is then able to use the wealth for God-given purposes.

Whether you are at retirement age or just starting your career, this book is a must read, for it will help you have the right attitude where money and wealth are concerned. As Ted likes to say, “You can be dependently wealthy!”

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